Mueller Helped Saudis Cover Up Involvement In 9/11 Attacks: Lawsuit Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Sat, 09/07/2019 - 12:37 64 SHARES TwitterFacebookRedditEmailPrint
Monday, January 15, 2018
Mueller Helped Saudis Cover Up Involvement In 9/11 Attacks: Lawsuit Profile picture for user Tyler Durden by Tyler Durden Sat, 09/07/2019 - 12:37 64 SHARES TwitterFacebookRedditEmailPrint
Robert Mueller’s Role in Obscuring the 9/11 Evidence Trail
Director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013
Written by Barbara Boyd
Editors’ Note: The following is an extract from an Executive Intelligence Review publication which provides a more complete review of Robert Mueller’s background. This extract focuses on Mueller’s role in obscuring the evidence trail related to the events of 9/11 as well as his role in other post 9/11 irregularities. While the evidence trail that Mueller should have been following — as Director of the FBI in the service of the US Government that promoted the 19 suicide hijacker narrative and was charged with seeking justice for the crimes of 9/11 — it appears that he was unwilling to follow that trail. As revealed in the '28 pages,' such an evidence trail would have had the FBI looking at itself in mirror . Reprinted by permission.
Robert Mueller played a hugely significant role in covering up the Saudi/British role in the murders of almost 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001, and the wholesale destruction of the United States Constitution which followed in its wake—a role which, if thoroughly examined, constitutes obstruction of justice, among other crimes. It is a trail of prosecutorial misconduct, including what former Senator Bob Graham calls “aggressive deception” of the U.S. Congress and the public concerning the events of September 11, 2001, and includes a major role in the creation of the post-9/11 surveillance state which has eviscerated and destroyed the Fourth Amendment and the rest of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Those who work inside our modern Leviathan can surely point to other malfeasance, and we invite you pile on—please, expose it. You owe no less to your oath to the Constitution of the United States.
Editors’ Note: The following is an extract from an Executive Intelligence Review publication which provides a more complete review of Robert Mueller’s background. This extract focuses on Mueller’s role in obscuring the evidence trail related to the events of 9/11 as well as his role in other post 9/11 irregularities. While the evidence trail that Mueller should have been following — as Director of the FBI in the service of the US Government that promoted the 19 suicide hijacker narrative and was charged with seeking justice for the crimes of 9/11 — it appears that he was unwilling to follow that trail. As revealed in the '28 pages,' such an evidence trail would have had the FBI looking at itself in mirror . Reprinted by permission.
Robert Mueller played a hugely significant role in covering up the Saudi/British role in the murders of almost 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001, and the wholesale destruction of the United States Constitution which followed in its wake—a role which, if thoroughly examined, constitutes obstruction of justice, among other crimes. It is a trail of prosecutorial misconduct, including what former Senator Bob Graham calls “aggressive deception” of the U.S. Congress and the public concerning the events of September 11, 2001, and includes a major role in the creation of the post-9/11 surveillance state which has eviscerated and destroyed the Fourth Amendment and the rest of our Constitution’s Bill of Rights. Those who work inside our modern Leviathan can surely point to other malfeasance, and we invite you pile on—please, expose it. You owe no less to your oath to the Constitution of the United States.
Aggressive Deception of the American People Concerning 9/11
Then President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and Saudi Prince Bandar on the balcony of the White House, September 13, 2001.
There is a picture formerly available from the Bush Presidential Library which shows George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador, on the White House balcony two days after September 11, 2001. The men are smoking cigars. Reporters inquiring about the photo more recently have been told it is no longer available from the Bush Library. Maybe the picture in this case says more than a thousand words ever could. Again, two days after almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick Cheney, and the National Security Adviser on the White House balcony.
Immediately after September 11,2001, Bandar arranged for a mass exodus of Saudi royals , intelligence personnel, and other Saudi nationals from the United States, including members of the bin Laden family, with the full cooperation of the United States government. He placed them beyond the reach of any future inquiry.
It is obvious that the 9/11 terrorists did not emerge out of bat caves in Afghanistan. They lived here in the United States, training for a suicide mission [sic.] which required massive logistical support. The immediate conclusion of anyone thinking through the plot, is that this had to be state-sponsored terrorism. The Bush Administration, however, immediately focused the nation on Iraq and took the nation to a disastrous war there, when even the most basic common sense told investigators to focus initially on the Saudis, following the evidence from there.
Congress convened a Joint Congressional Inquiry into the events of 9/11 in 2002, chaired by then U.S. Senator Bob Graham. Senator Graham says that he has stopped using the term “cover-up” in relation to 9/11. He instead uses the term “aggressive deception,” and places Mueller, operating on behalf of the Bush family, at the center of obstructing his investigation and others. It was Mueller who angrily intervened to prevent Congressional investigators from visiting FBI offices in San Diego. They went anyway, and discovered troves of FBI documents concerning the Saudi hijackers’ San Diego cell, and its support by Saudi royals and government officials, which Mueller’s FBI never made available to the Congressional Committee, despite their specific requests.
Former Senator and Chairman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, charged the FBI with engaging in what he terms "aggressive deception" regarding the truth surrounding 9/11 during a press conference at the National Press Club August 31, 2016.
Prince Bandar, so close to the Bush family that he was called “Bandar Bush,” is at the center of the support network for the San Diego hijackers. There were multiple documents in the San Diego FBI files referencing well-known sympathies for Al-Qaeda by employees of the Saudi embassy in D.C., including Osama Bin Laden’s half-brother. There were records of checks paid to Saudis supporting the two San Diego hijackers from Bandar’s wife. There was also a CIA memorandum carefully tracking Saudi government support for Al-Qaeda and other Saudi terrorist organizations.
Shaikh — member of San Diego Police Commission, FBI informant, took hijackers into his Lemon Grove home
Congressional investigators also discovered the identity of an FBI informant who was close to both San Diego hijackers and rented rooms to them, living in the same house. Rather than allowing investigators to interview the informant, Mueller placed him in an FBI safe-house for “his protection.” The results of the Joint Congressional Inquiry’s review of Saudi government support of the 9/11 hijackers, 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Committee’s report, were classified in the final report. They remained classified, despite the demands of the 9/11 families and an all-out national campaign for their release, until July 15, 2016. According to all concerned, the man who classified these 28 pages in 2003—and adamantly fought to ensure that they would never see the light of day—was FBI Director Robert Mueller. The 28 pages solely concern what Congressional investigators found in the San Diego FBI office, the discovery of which Robert Mueller actively sought to prevent.
In the summer of 2015, another document formerly classified, Document 17, was quietly declassified. It was authored by the same Congressional investigators who wrote the 28 pages, and revealed that two Saudi students, funded by the Saudi government, did a dry run of the September 11, 2001 attack on an American West flight from Phoenix to Washington in 1999, an incident well-known to the FBI. After releasing the two Saudis from custody, the FBI subsequently learned, in 2000, that one of the students had been trained in Afghanistan’s Al Qaeda camps to conduct Khobar Towers type assaults, and the other was tied to terrorist elements as well.
Senator Graham has remarked that Mueller stone-walled his investigation at every turn. Undoubtedly, large volumes of documents concerning the Saudi role in 9/11 reside in still classified and undisclosed CIA, FBI, and other files. This is not the place for a full review of the joint British and American responsibility for Salafist terrorism. From the U.S. side , Zbigniew Brzezinski deliberately created and supported an entire generation of such terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, in his geopolitical war game with the Soviet Union. He deliberately created a terrorist insurgency in Afghanistan in order to draw the Russians into a war there, and gloated about it until his recent death. Saudi Arabia has never been anything other than a satrap of the British, and the second incubation point for the terrorist phenomena manifesting themselves in 9/11 lies in the mosques of “Londonistan.” The CIA knew this. MI6 knew this. They had been using these terrorist networks for years for their own geopolitical purposes.
The FBI did not pay attention to the Saudis before 2001 because “they were an ally,” according to testimony provided in the wake of the attacks. In August of 2001, President Bush was handed a CIA briefing which explicitly warned that Al Qaeda was about to launch a major attack on the United States using airplanes. The President did nothing. Earlier, Robert Mueller, serving as Deputy Attorney General in the days prior to 9/11, had blocked a major funding increase for the FBI’s counter-terrorism division led by John O’Neill. O’Neill had moved his entire operation to New York because official Washington would not listen to his warnings about Al Qaeda. The job to “aggressively deceive” the American people about this sordid history fell to Robert Swan Mueller III, and he obstructed a Congressional investigation to do precisely that.
On September 20, 2016, Terry Strada, Kaitlyn Strada, and Allison Crowther (family members of 9/11 victims) held a press conference with U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) calling for the adoption of the JASTA bill (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism).
Due to an act of Congress, JASTA, the 9/11 families are now proceeding with their lawsuit against the Saudis. But why should they have to endure years more of litigation? Why doesn’t President Trump open the actual door on this process, assigning seasoned investigators, like Michael Jacobsen, who unearthed the San Diego FBI trove, to a full review and disclosure of the Saudi role in 9/11, the U.S. and British government role in creating and fostering Islamic terrorism, and the “aggressive deception” and obstruction of justice by Robert Mueller and others which resulted in this illegal coverup?
While engaged in “aggressive deception” about the criminal conspiracy resulting in almost 3,000 American murders, Robert Mueller continued to railroad innocents. He personally directed the PENTBOM investigation which falsely accused Dr. Steven Hatfill of mailing the deadly Anthrax letters which killed five people in 2001. For years, Mueller harassed the innocent Dr. Hatfill, ordering the FBI to search his apartment multiple times, searching the apartment of his girlfriend, ensuring that Hatfill lost his job, and leaking continuously about Hatfill’s alleged perfidies to the national news media. Once, when an FBI agent ran over Hatfill’s foot with his car, it was arranged that Hatfill would get a ticket for impeding traffic. The Justice Department finally paid Hatfill $5.8 million dollars to settle his Privacy Act lawsuit aimed at government leaks—a settlement, along with an exoneration, which only came when a federal judge insisted that reporters reveal their Justice Department and FBI sources for stories about Hatfill.
Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, a bioweapons expert under scrutiny for the anthrax attacks, looks on after defending himself during a news conference outside his attorney's office Sunday, Aug. 11, 2002, in Alexandria, Va . ( Rick Bowmer / Associated Press)
As part of the same PENTBOM 9/11 investigation which destroyed Hatfill’s life, Mueller, with Attorney General John Ashcroft, rounded up 762 Muslims who had overstayed their visas, and were identified via tips to the FBI “tip line” from a hysterical public reacting to the events of 9/11. Remember, Prince Bandar had already moved the key Saudis involved with the hijackers out of the United States. These individuals were detained, without charges, in a special unit of New York’s Metropolitan Detention Center. Their jail conditions were supervised by Mueller and a small group of other Washington officials, and amounted to torture. They were deprived of sleep and food, repeatedly strip searched, physically and verbally abused by guards, and denied basic hygiene items like soap, toilet paper, and towels, or any access to the outside world. Both the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York and the Second Circuit kept Mueller as a defendant in the subsequent civil rights suit brought by the detainees.
This means, under the high standard of proof required of civil rights plaintiffs, that the judges were literally appalled by the allegations against Robert Mueller in the complaint. In a 4-2 decision on June 18, 2017, however, the Supreme Court let the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor out of the lawsuit. Here is what Justice Stephen Breyer said in his dissent:
The majority opinion well summarizes the particular claims that the plaintiffs make in this suit. All concern the conditions of their confinement, which began soon after the September 11, 2001 attacks and lasted for days and weeks, then stretching into months. At some point, all the defendants knew that they had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks but continued to detain them anyway under harsh conditions. Official government policy, both before and after the defendants became aware of the plaintiffs’ innocence led to the plaintiffs being held in “tiny cells for over 23 hours a day, with lights continuously left on, shackled when moved, often strip searched, and denied access to most forms of communication with the outside world.” The defendants detained the plaintiffs in these conditions on the basis of their race or religion and without justification.
Mueller is often touted by the Washington establishment for reorganizing the FBI to become an effective counterintelligence and counterterrorism organization in the wake of 9/11. This also is Washington D.C. public relations claptrap. The FBI under Mueller excelled at entrapping the otherwise innocent, and constructing a surveillance state strongly resembling that portrayed by George Orwell in the novel, 1984. In the Newburgh Four case, for example, the presiding judge said the FBI, “came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles, making a terrorist out of a man whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”
Studies have found that almost every domestic terrorist plot during Mueller’s tenure, from 2001 to 2010, was in some way cooked up, assisted, and eventually busted by Mueller’s FBI. The book, The Terror Factory—Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism by Trevor Aaronson documents this in chilling detail. J. Edgar Hoover’s domestic security depravities seem pale in comparison.
Philip Mudd was brought over from the CIA by Mueller to lead this effort in the FBI’s new National Security Division
The FBI now manages some 15,000 designated informants through a Linked-In type data base called Delta. It allows FBI agents to dial up informants to use in stings anywhere in the country. Informants then travel to their assignments and can earn up to $100,000 for entrapping and testifying against the unwary petty criminals, losers, and mentally-challenged individuals who inhabit the Bureau’s terrorist case docket. Philip Mudd was brought over from the CIA by Mueller to lead this effort in the FBI’s new National Security Division. Mudd, using a data-mining system called Domain Management, flooded immigrant communities, particularly Muslim communities , with informants to monitor and entrap those who expressed ideas favorable to radical Islam, whether or not those expressing the ideas had any real possibility of ever engaging in a terrorist plot. FBI agents referred to the Mudd-Mueller surveillance and entrapment tools as “battlefield management.” In other words, entire communities in the United States have been targeted and treated to the methods of the East German Stasi. On August 10, 2017, Mudd, now a CNN “analyst” who has raved repeatedly against President Donald Trump, told CNN analyst Jake Tapper, that the U.S. government “is going to kill this guy,” meaning the President.
William Binney senior technical analyst at the NSA designed a system, “ThinThread,” which would accurately track terrorist plots while preserving the civil liberties of American citizens.
Then, there is the surveillance state. William Binney was the senior-most technical analyst at the NSA. He designed a system, “ThinThread,” which would accurately track terrorist plots while preserving the civil liberties of American citizens. In the film, The Good American, Binney tells the story of how he did this, and how General Michael Hayden, then the Director of the NSA, ditched Binney’s program and spent millions of dollars with an outside contractor, SAIC, on an alternative system, Trail Blazer, which mass-collected data on every American, in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Drowning in data under SAIC’s alternative surveillance program, the NSA was unable to pinpoint actual terrorist plots. Binney and his collaborators demonstrated that under his program, ThinThread, all of the information necessary to stop the 9/11 hijackers was recorded by the NSA and readily available to investigators. For that, Robert Mueller sent the FBI to raid and harass Binney and his collaborators, bringing criminal charges against one of them, Thomas Drake, which were later dropped.

There is a picture formerly available from the Bush Presidential Library which shows George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, and Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia’s U.S. Ambassador, on the White House balcony two days after September 11, 2001. The men are smoking cigars. Reporters inquiring about the photo more recently have been told it is no longer available from the Bush Library. Maybe the picture in this case says more than a thousand words ever could. Again, two days after almost 3,000 Americans were murdered by 19 hijackers, 15 of whom were Saudis, the Saudi Ambassador yucks it up with the President, Dick Cheney, and the National Security Adviser on the White House balcony.
Immediately after September 11,2001, Bandar arranged for a mass exodus of Saudi royals , intelligence personnel, and other Saudi nationals from the United States, including members of the bin Laden family, with the full cooperation of the United States government. He placed them beyond the reach of any future inquiry.
It is obvious that the 9/11 terrorists did not emerge out of bat caves in Afghanistan. They lived here in the United States, training for a suicide mission [sic.] which required massive logistical support. The immediate conclusion of anyone thinking through the plot, is that this had to be state-sponsored terrorism. The Bush Administration, however, immediately focused the nation on Iraq and took the nation to a disastrous war there, when even the most basic common sense told investigators to focus initially on the Saudis, following the evidence from there.
Congress convened a Joint Congressional Inquiry into the events of 9/11 in 2002, chaired by then U.S. Senator Bob Graham. Senator Graham says that he has stopped using the term “cover-up” in relation to 9/11. He instead uses the term “aggressive deception,” and places Mueller, operating on behalf of the Bush family, at the center of obstructing his investigation and others. It was Mueller who angrily intervened to prevent Congressional investigators from visiting FBI offices in San Diego. They went anyway, and discovered troves of FBI documents concerning the Saudi hijackers’ San Diego cell, and its support by Saudi royals and government officials, which Mueller’s FBI never made available to the Congressional Committee, despite their specific requests.
Former Senator and Chairman of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, charged the FBI with engaging in what he terms "aggressive deception" regarding the truth surrounding 9/11 during a press conference at the National Press Club August 31, 2016.
Prince Bandar, so close to the Bush family that he was called “Bandar Bush,” is at the center of the support network for the San Diego hijackers. There were multiple documents in the San Diego FBI files referencing well-known sympathies for Al-Qaeda by employees of the Saudi embassy in D.C., including Osama Bin Laden’s half-brother. There were records of checks paid to Saudis supporting the two San Diego hijackers from Bandar’s wife. There was also a CIA memorandum carefully tracking Saudi government support for Al-Qaeda and other Saudi terrorist organizations.

Congressional investigators also discovered the identity of an FBI informant who was close to both San Diego hijackers and rented rooms to them, living in the same house. Rather than allowing investigators to interview the informant, Mueller placed him in an FBI safe-house for “his protection.” The results of the Joint Congressional Inquiry’s review of Saudi government support of the 9/11 hijackers, 28 pages of the Joint Congressional Committee’s report, were classified in the final report. They remained classified, despite the demands of the 9/11 families and an all-out national campaign for their release, until July 15, 2016. According to all concerned, the man who classified these 28 pages in 2003—and adamantly fought to ensure that they would never see the light of day—was FBI Director Robert Mueller. The 28 pages solely concern what Congressional investigators found in the San Diego FBI office, the discovery of which Robert Mueller actively sought to prevent.
In the summer of 2015, another document formerly classified, Document 17, was quietly declassified. It was authored by the same Congressional investigators who wrote the 28 pages, and revealed that two Saudi students, funded by the Saudi government, did a dry run of the September 11, 2001 attack on an American West flight from Phoenix to Washington in 1999, an incident well-known to the FBI. After releasing the two Saudis from custody, the FBI subsequently learned, in 2000, that one of the students had been trained in Afghanistan’s Al Qaeda camps to conduct Khobar Towers type assaults, and the other was tied to terrorist elements as well.
Senator Graham has remarked that Mueller stone-walled his investigation at every turn. Undoubtedly, large volumes of documents concerning the Saudi role in 9/11 reside in still classified and undisclosed CIA, FBI, and other files. This is not the place for a full review of the joint British and American responsibility for Salafist terrorism. From the U.S. side , Zbigniew Brzezinski deliberately created and supported an entire generation of such terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, in his geopolitical war game with the Soviet Union. He deliberately created a terrorist insurgency in Afghanistan in order to draw the Russians into a war there, and gloated about it until his recent death. Saudi Arabia has never been anything other than a satrap of the British, and the second incubation point for the terrorist phenomena manifesting themselves in 9/11 lies in the mosques of “Londonistan.” The CIA knew this. MI6 knew this. They had been using these terrorist networks for years for their own geopolitical purposes.
The FBI did not pay attention to the Saudis before 2001 because “they were an ally,” according to testimony provided in the wake of the attacks. In August of 2001, President Bush was handed a CIA briefing which explicitly warned that Al Qaeda was about to launch a major attack on the United States using airplanes. The President did nothing. Earlier, Robert Mueller, serving as Deputy Attorney General in the days prior to 9/11, had blocked a major funding increase for the FBI’s counter-terrorism division led by John O’Neill. O’Neill had moved his entire operation to New York because official Washington would not listen to his warnings about Al Qaeda. The job to “aggressively deceive” the American people about this sordid history fell to Robert Swan Mueller III, and he obstructed a Congressional investigation to do precisely that.

Due to an act of Congress, JASTA, the 9/11 families are now proceeding with their lawsuit against the Saudis. But why should they have to endure years more of litigation? Why doesn’t President Trump open the actual door on this process, assigning seasoned investigators, like Michael Jacobsen, who unearthed the San Diego FBI trove, to a full review and disclosure of the Saudi role in 9/11, the U.S. and British government role in creating and fostering Islamic terrorism, and the “aggressive deception” and obstruction of justice by Robert Mueller and others which resulted in this illegal coverup?
While engaged in “aggressive deception” about the criminal conspiracy resulting in almost 3,000 American murders, Robert Mueller continued to railroad innocents. He personally directed the PENTBOM investigation which falsely accused Dr. Steven Hatfill of mailing the deadly Anthrax letters which killed five people in 2001. For years, Mueller harassed the innocent Dr. Hatfill, ordering the FBI to search his apartment multiple times, searching the apartment of his girlfriend, ensuring that Hatfill lost his job, and leaking continuously about Hatfill’s alleged perfidies to the national news media. Once, when an FBI agent ran over Hatfill’s foot with his car, it was arranged that Hatfill would get a ticket for impeding traffic. The Justice Department finally paid Hatfill $5.8 million dollars to settle his Privacy Act lawsuit aimed at government leaks—a settlement, along with an exoneration, which only came when a federal judge insisted that reporters reveal their Justice Department and FBI sources for stories about Hatfill.

As part of the same PENTBOM 9/11 investigation which destroyed Hatfill’s life, Mueller, with Attorney General John Ashcroft, rounded up 762 Muslims who had overstayed their visas, and were identified via tips to the FBI “tip line” from a hysterical public reacting to the events of 9/11. Remember, Prince Bandar had already moved the key Saudis involved with the hijackers out of the United States. These individuals were detained, without charges, in a special unit of New York’s Metropolitan Detention Center. Their jail conditions were supervised by Mueller and a small group of other Washington officials, and amounted to torture. They were deprived of sleep and food, repeatedly strip searched, physically and verbally abused by guards, and denied basic hygiene items like soap, toilet paper, and towels, or any access to the outside world. Both the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York and the Second Circuit kept Mueller as a defendant in the subsequent civil rights suit brought by the detainees.
This means, under the high standard of proof required of civil rights plaintiffs, that the judges were literally appalled by the allegations against Robert Mueller in the complaint. In a 4-2 decision on June 18, 2017, however, the Supreme Court let the newly-appointed Special Prosecutor out of the lawsuit. Here is what Justice Stephen Breyer said in his dissent:
The majority opinion well summarizes the particular claims that the plaintiffs make in this suit. All concern the conditions of their confinement, which began soon after the September 11, 2001 attacks and lasted for days and weeks, then stretching into months. At some point, all the defendants knew that they had nothing to do with the September 11 attacks but continued to detain them anyway under harsh conditions. Official government policy, both before and after the defendants became aware of the plaintiffs’ innocence led to the plaintiffs being held in “tiny cells for over 23 hours a day, with lights continuously left on, shackled when moved, often strip searched, and denied access to most forms of communication with the outside world.” The defendants detained the plaintiffs in these conditions on the basis of their race or religion and without justification.
Mueller is often touted by the Washington establishment for reorganizing the FBI to become an effective counterintelligence and counterterrorism organization in the wake of 9/11. This also is Washington D.C. public relations claptrap. The FBI under Mueller excelled at entrapping the otherwise innocent, and constructing a surveillance state strongly resembling that portrayed by George Orwell in the novel, 1984. In the Newburgh Four case, for example, the presiding judge said the FBI, “came up with the crime, provided the means, and removed all relevant obstacles, making a terrorist out of a man whose buffoonery is positively Shakespearean in scope.”
Studies have found that almost every domestic terrorist plot during Mueller’s tenure, from 2001 to 2010, was in some way cooked up, assisted, and eventually busted by Mueller’s FBI. The book, The Terror Factory—Inside the FBI’s Manufactured War on Terrorism by Trevor Aaronson documents this in chilling detail. J. Edgar Hoover’s domestic security depravities seem pale in comparison.

The FBI now manages some 15,000 designated informants through a Linked-In type data base called Delta. It allows FBI agents to dial up informants to use in stings anywhere in the country. Informants then travel to their assignments and can earn up to $100,000 for entrapping and testifying against the unwary petty criminals, losers, and mentally-challenged individuals who inhabit the Bureau’s terrorist case docket. Philip Mudd was brought over from the CIA by Mueller to lead this effort in the FBI’s new National Security Division. Mudd, using a data-mining system called Domain Management, flooded immigrant communities, particularly Muslim communities , with informants to monitor and entrap those who expressed ideas favorable to radical Islam, whether or not those expressing the ideas had any real possibility of ever engaging in a terrorist plot. FBI agents referred to the Mudd-Mueller surveillance and entrapment tools as “battlefield management.” In other words, entire communities in the United States have been targeted and treated to the methods of the East German Stasi. On August 10, 2017, Mudd, now a CNN “analyst” who has raved repeatedly against President Donald Trump, told CNN analyst Jake Tapper, that the U.S. government “is going to kill this guy,” meaning the President.

Then, there is the surveillance state. William Binney was the senior-most technical analyst at the NSA. He designed a system, “ThinThread,” which would accurately track terrorist plots while preserving the civil liberties of American citizens. In the film, The Good American, Binney tells the story of how he did this, and how General Michael Hayden, then the Director of the NSA, ditched Binney’s program and spent millions of dollars with an outside contractor, SAIC, on an alternative system, Trail Blazer, which mass-collected data on every American, in violation of the Fourth Amendment. Drowning in data under SAIC’s alternative surveillance program, the NSA was unable to pinpoint actual terrorist plots. Binney and his collaborators demonstrated that under his program, ThinThread, all of the information necessary to stop the 9/11 hijackers was recorded by the NSA and readily available to investigators. For that, Robert Mueller sent the FBI to raid and harass Binney and his collaborators, bringing criminal charges against one of them, Thomas Drake, which were later dropped.
Robert Mueller Biography
Lawyer, Government Official (1944–)
Robert Mueller served as director of the FBI from 2001 to 2013. In 2017, he was named special counsel to investigate Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election.
Who Is Robert Mueller?
Born in New York City in 1944, Robert Mueller attended Princeton University and served with distinction in Vietnam. He became an assistant U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California in 1976, and over the next two-plus decades he also took on prominent roles with the District of Massachusetts and the Department of Justice. Named FBI director in 2001, Mueller was immediately confronted by the 9/11 attacks, and he subsequently overhauled the bureau to meet the demands posed by 21st century terrorist activity . He left the post in 2013, but returned to the spotlight four years later as special counsel in charge of investigating Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to associates of President Donald Trump.
Early Life
Robert Swan Mueller III was born on August 7, 1944, in New York City, and grew up outside of Philadelphia. He attended the prestigious St. Paul's school in New Hampshire, where he captained the soccer, lacrosse and hockey teams, the latter alongside future Secretary of State John Kerry.
Mueller followed his father to Princeton, graduating with a bachelor's in politics in 1966, and earned his master's in international relations from New York University the following year. He then served with distinction in Vietnam, receiving the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry as an officer in the Marine Corps. Returning stateside, he resumed his education at the University of Virginia Law School, serving on the Law Review and earning his J.D. in 1973.
Criminal Justice
Unable to achieve his initial goal of a position with the United States Attorney's office, Mueller joined the San Francisco firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro out of law school. He fulfilled that goal by becoming assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Northern California in 1976, rising to chief of its criminal division in 1981. Mueller then became assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Massachusetts in 1982, and served as the district's acting attorney from 1986 to '87.
Following a year at the Boston firm of Hill and Barlow, Mueller joined the U.S. Department of Justice in 1989 to spearhead the prosecution of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega. He took charge of the DOJ's criminal division in 1990, where he oversaw the Lockerbie bombing case and formed the agency's first cyber-dedicated unit.
Mueller returned to private practice in 1993 as a partner at Hale and Dorr (later known as WilmerHale). However, unable to get prosecution out of his blood, he took on a lower-level job in the homicide division of the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia in 1995, soon rising to the post of homicide chief. He resumed a more orthodox career path as U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California from 1998 to early 2001, before serving as acting deputy attorney general for the new George W. Bush administration.
FBI Director
In the following months, Mueller acknowledged that the attacks might have been prevented had FBI headquarters followed through on tips from field offices. He then set about dramatically reorganizing the bureau, uprooting its domestic crime-fighting culture to install a high-tech global operation designed to head off terrorist threats.
The director pressed for expanded surveillance powers, but he also nearly quit over what he viewed as abuse of that power. In 2004, after Attorney General John Ashcroft was hospitalized, Bush administration officials attempted to override acting Attorney General James Comey to gain an extension for an illegal wiretapping program. Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey all intended to resign, before cooling down when a compromise was reached.
Lauded for his success in modernizing the FBI, Mueller in 2011 accepted President Barack Obama's offer to remain an additional two years in his post, and again was confirmed unanimously by the Senate. However, shortly before the conclusion of his extension, the FBI faced another terrorist event with the Boston marathon bombings on April 15, 2013. Mueller revealed that the FBI had previously investigated the older of the two brothers involved in the bombings, though the bureau was unable to make an arrest in part due to a lack of cooperation from Russians to provide evidence.
After stepping down as the FBI's longest -serving director since J. Edgar Hoover, Mueller accepted a teaching post at Stanford and rejoined his old firm of WilmerHale. He took on some of the firm's most important cases, including an investigation into the NFL's controversial suspension of player Ray Rice over domestic abuse charges.
Special Counsel for Russia Investigation
The longtime prosecutor returned to the spotlight on May 17, 2017, when he was named special counsel to oversee the investigation into Russian interference into the 2016 presidential election and possible ties to associates of President Donald Trump. Mueller's appointment drew praise from both sides of the aisle.
On October 27, 2017, a federal grand jury approved the first charges in Mueller's investigation. On October 30, former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and his associate Rick Gates were indicted on a series of charges, including tax fraud, money laundering and foreign lobbying violations. The day also brought news that George Papadopoulos, a former foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign, had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about the campaign's contact with Russians.
The revelations revived talk of Trump potentially cutting Mueller's budget, or even firing the special counsel, but several White House aides and prominent Republicans rejected that idea. "The legal process is working. Just let it work," said South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham. "Let Mueller do his job. If he gets off in a ditch and he does something he shouldn't be doing, then we'll all comment on it when that happens."
In early November, news surfaced that Mueller's team had also gathered enough evidence to bring charges against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and his son. According to reports, investigators had been examining Flynn's lobbying work, as well as his involvement in attempts to arrange the removal of an opponent of Turkish President Recep Erdogan from his home in the U.S. and send him back to Turkey.
Shortly afterward, a report in the Wall Street Journal revealed that Mueller had issued subpoenas to more than a dozen officials from the Trump campaign team, a move that caught them off guard. None of those who received the subpoena were compelled to testify before a grand jury.
Flynn Plea Deal and Increased Pressure
On December 1, 2017, Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about conversations with the Russian ambassador before Trump formally took office. Additionally, it was revealed that Flynn was acting under the instructions of a “very senior member” of the presidential transition team.
However, as Mueller seemingly drew closer to Trump's inner circle, he faced increased pressure over accusations that the investigation was biased. Shortly after Flynn's plea deal, news surfaced that two FBI agents assigned to the probe had shared text messages in which they mocked and insulted Trump.
The texts, which were made available to lawmakers on December 12, prompted calls for Mueller to either revamp his investigative team or to step down. Four days letter , a Trump lawyer accused the investigation of illegally obtaining and using emails generated by the presidential transition team. The heightened tension fueled speculation that Trump would soon find a way to have Mueller dismissed, though the president's spokespeople remained publicly committed to cooperating with the probe.
More complications arose in early January 2018, when Manafort filed a lawsuit alleging that the Mueller probe had overstepped bounds by charging him for conduct unrelated to Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Breaching the White House
With the start of the new year, Mueller seemed to be zeroing in on the White House. In mid-January, his investigators interviewed Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the first member of Trump's Cabinet to submit to questioning.
On January 23, The Washington Post reported that Mueller was aiming to sit down with the president in the coming weeks to inquire about his decisions to dismiss Flynn and Comey. Trump subsequently expressed his willingness to meet with the special counsel to clear his name. "I’m looking forward to it, actually," he said.
Two days later, another report revealed that Trump had sought to have Mueller fired the previous June, before backing off when White House Counsel Donald F. McGahn threatened to resign in protest. As a result, Democratic leaders revived demands for Congress to pass legislation to protect Mueller and future special counsels from being fired by the president.
Russian Indictment
On February 16, 2018, the Justice Department announced that Mueller had indicted 13 Russian nationals and three Russian entities for interfering in the 2016 presidential election, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the United States. According to the indictment, the defendants allegedly created false U.S. personas and operated social media pages and groups to attract American audiences in a "strategic goal to sow discord in the U.S. political system."
The indictment was also notable for a lack of allegations that any American knowingly participated in the Russian conspiracy, an outcome that President Trump viewed as a sign of vindication. The White House subsequently released a statement that said the president was "glad to see the special counsel's investigation further indicates— that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and Russia and that the outcome of the election was not changed or affected."
In March, reports surfaced of Mueller gathering evidence to show that a meeting in Seychelles shortly before the inauguration of Donald Trump was part of an effort to establish a back channel with Russia. The meeting, between a private security company founder named Erik Prince and a Russian official, supposedly was a chance encounter, according to Prince. However, a businessman cooperating with the special counsel investigation contradicted that claim in testimony before a grand jury, saying the meeting was deliberately set up to forge a line of communication with the Kremlin.
Around that time, Muller subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, some of which pertained to Russia. It was speculated that the subpoena was part of a broadening inquiry into the possible use of foreign money to fund Trump's political interests.
First Sentencing
On April 3, 2018, Dutch attorney Alex van der Zwaan became the first person to face punishment from the special counsel's probe, drawing a 30-day prison sentence and a $20,000 fine. Van der Zwaan had lied to investigators about his contacts with Gates and another individual with ties to Russian intelligence.
Meanwhile, Mueller informed Trump's attorneys that the president was not considered a criminal target, though he continued pursuing an interview. Mueller's investigators were said to be considering issuing reports on their findings in stages, with the first to be focused on Trump's actions in office and whether he attempted to obstruct justice.
After the FBI executed search warrants on the Manhattan office and hotel room of Trump attorney Michael Cohen on April 9, following what was believed to be a referral from the special counsel's team, the president was said to be considering firing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Mueller to his post.
Around that time, The New York Times reported that the president had intended to shut down Mueller's investigation back in December 2017, before learning that reports of a new round of subpoenas were inaccurate. The news again rattled members of Congress, prompting a bi-partisan group of senators to cobble together legislation that would give any special counsel a 10-day window in which he or she could seek expedited judicial review of a dismissal.
Later that month, The Times obtained and published a list of questions submitted to Trump's legal team that Mueller hoped to have answered in an interview. The approximately four dozen questions covered an array of topics, including the high-profile firings of Comey and Flynn; the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised "dirt" on Hillary Clinton; Trump's interactions with Sessions, Manafort and Cohen; and even the president's reported attempts to have the special counsel fired.
The publication of the questions enraged Trump, who supposedly was already souring on the idea of cooperating for an interview. It was subsequently reported that Mueller had raised the possibility of a subpoena, setting up a potential high-stakes showdown with the president's legal team.
In June, Mueller's team brought more charges against Manafort, claiming that the former Trump campaign honcho was attempting to tamper with witness testimony. However, a judge also ordered concessions on the defendant's behalf, telling the special counsel's office that they needed to release names of the unidentified individuals who allegedly acted as unregistered foreign agents on behalf of Manafort.
Later in the month, Mueller issued a grand jury subpoena to a man named Andrew Miller, who worked for longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone during the 2016 presidential campaign. It marked the third associate of Stone's to be called before a grand jury, suggesting that the special counsel had a particular interest in examining the Stone-Trump relationship. A lawyer for Miller said he would contest the subpoena on the grounds that Mueller's appointment was illegitimate, though a federal judge ultimately rejected that challenge in early August.
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Keep your eye on the ball.
Midterms & Memes.
[ ]
Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS.
-[RR] pushed back hard
-OIG tasked to review [determine 'sensitive info']
-OIG works w/ HUBER (important to remember)
-HUBER reports 'directly' to SESSIONS (important to remember)
Was the DECLAS already cleared for release?
Was the gambit played by [RR] to stall & delay post election banking on [D's win House]?
POTUS AF1 [RR] > An enemy who feels safe [& in control] is an enemy who…..
POTUS AF1 [RR] > Mueller END
[Important to remember]
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limitPOTUS’ ability to maneuver.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] ineffort to DIVIDE and MOBILIZE for future protests, riots, threats, violence, FF’s, etc.
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstructforeign + domestic agenda , fuel impeachment/removal, fuel anti-POTUS [DIVISION] [prevent UNITY], etc..
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI] [DOJ]?
Midterms & Memes.
[ ]
Remember, POTUS already ordered the DECLAS.
-[RR] pushed back hard
-OIG tasked to review [determine 'sensitive info']
-HUBER reports 'directly' to SESSIONS (important to remember)
Was the DECLAS already cleared for release?
Was the gambit played by [RR] to stall & delay post election banking on [D's win House]?
POTUS AF1 [RR] > An enemy who feels safe [& in control] is an enemy who…..
POTUS AF1 [RR] > Mueller END
[Important to remember]
How do you navigate around installed BLOCKADE?
[MUELLER] designed to take-in evidence needed to ‘expose’ DS [DOJ block re: Mueller ‘evidence’ ongoing investigation].
[MUELLER] designed to limit
[MUELLER] designed to ‘stall-for-time’ until MIDTERM ELECTIONS to TERMINATE all HOUSE / SENATE ongoing investigations.
[MUELLER] designed to ‘safeguard’ D_PARTY_BASE false narrative re: RUSSIA COLLUSION [POTUS CHEATED – EVIL – SKY FALLING] in
[MUELLER] designed to provide FAKE NEWS w/ ammunition to sway public opinion, obstruct
[MUELLER] designed to demonstrate to foreign players that OLD GUARD still pulls strings.
[MUELLER] designed to mobilize D_PARTY for MIDTERM VOTE WIN.
[MUELLER] designed to push D_PARTY backers to DONATE [GOFUNDME – D_PARTY].
[MUELLER] designed as PUBLIC OUTCRY EXCUSE should criminal charges be brought against them [‘we are being ‘politically’ attacked because MUELLER…].
How do you REMOVE installed BLOCKADE?
How do you navigate around installed corrupt [FBI
A tragic suicide, a likely murder, wrongful imprisonment, and gripping courtroom scenes draw readers into this compelling (true) story, giving them a frightening perspective on justice corrupted and who should be accountable when evidence is withheld. Attorney Sidney Powell ( is a former federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice.
"Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice" is the true story of the strong-arm, illegal and unethical tactics used by headline-grabbing federal prosecutors in their narcissistic pursuit of power.
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