Sunday, March 27, 2016

WORLD TRIBUNAL (In the making, hopefully)

All Governments, courts, armies, schools, media are owned by the Oligarchs.  So they own your mind.There's no way people can have access to a fair trial against the shadow government and their operatives, whether the CIA, MI6, Jesuits, Free Masons etc. etc.


This show, with the original title “Control mental. El sueño dorado de los dueños del mundo” (Mind control. The golden dream of the world’s masters) — broadcasted to some 10 million people — was one of the biggest victories for victims of implant technologies so far. Thanks to Magnus Olsson, who, despite being victimized himself, worked hard for several years to expose one the biggest human rights abuses of our times – connecting people against their will and knowledge to computers via implants of the size of a few nanometers – leading to a complete destruction of not only their lives and health, but also personalities and identities. – Very few people are aware of the actual link between neuroscience, cybernetics, artificial intelligence, neuro-chips, transhumanism, the science fiction’s cyborg, robotics, somatic surveillance, behavior control, the thought police and human enhancement. They all go hand in hand, and never in our history before, has this issue been as important as it is now. One reason is that this technology, that begun to develop in the early 1950s is by now very advanced but the public is unaware of it and it goes completely unregulated. There is also a complete amnesia about its early development, as Lars Drudgaard of ICAACT, mentioned in one of his interviews last year. The CIA funded experiments on people without consent through leading universities and by hiring prominent neuroscientists of that time. These experiments have since the 50s been brutal, destroying every aspect of a person’s life, while hiding behind curtains of National Security and secrecy but also behind psychiatry diagnosis. future of humanity The second is that its backside –mind reading, thought police, surveillance, pre-crime, behavior modification, control of citizen’s behavior; tastes, dreams, feelings and wishes; identities; personalities and not to mention the ability to torture and kill anyone from a distance — is completely ignored. All the important ethical issues dealing with the most special aspects of being a free human being living a full human life are completely dismissed. The praise of the machine in these discourses dealing with not only transhumanism ideals but also neuroscience today has a cost and that is complete disrespect, despise and underestimation of human beings, at least when it comes to their bodies, abilities and biological functions. The brain is though seen as the only valuable thing; not just because of its complexity and mysteries, but also because it can create consciousness and awareness. We’re prone to diseases, we die, we make irrational decisions, we’re inconsistent, and we need someone to look up to. In a radio interview on Swedish “Filosofiska rummet” entitled “Me and my new brain” (Jag och min nya hjärna), neuroscientist Martin Ingvar referred to the human body as a “bad frame for the brain”. Questions about individual free will and personal identity were discussed and the point of view of Martin Ingvar was very much in line with José Delgado’s some 60 years ago, and its buried history of mind control: we don’t really have any choice, we’re not really having a free will or for that matter any consistent personality. This would be enough reason to change humans to whatever someone else wishes. For example, an elite. operator nsa Another reason for why this issue dealing with brain implants is important of course is the fact that both the US and the EU pour billions of dollars and euros in brain research every single year, a brain research very focused on not only understanding the brain, but also highly focused on merging human beings with machines; using neuro-implants to correct behavior and enhance intelligence; creating robots and other machines that think and make autonomous intelligent decisions — just like humans do. Ray Kurzweil, who’s predictions about future technological developments have been correct at least until now, claims that in 20 years, implant-technology has advanced that far that humanity has been completely transformed by it. We cannot know right now whether he’s prediction is right or wrong, but we have the right to decide on the kind of future we want. I do not know if eradicating humanity as we know it is the best future or the only alternative. Today, we might still have a choice. Something to think about: Can you research the depths of the human brain on mice? Posted 2 years, 8 months ago at 12:59. Add a comment Mind Control, Exocortex,The fatal consequences related to this research the brain network Exocortex (Your brain on internet) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia An exocortex is a theoretical artificial external information processing system that would augment a brain’s biological high-level cognitive processes. An individual’s exocortex would be composed of external memory modules, processors, IO devices and software systems that would interact with, and augment, a person’s biological brain. Typically this interaction is described as being conducted through a direct brain-computer interface, making these extensions functionally part of the individual’s mind. Individuals with significant exocortices could be classified as cyborgs or transhumans. Living Digital provided one description of the concept: While [the traditional concept of] a cyborg has included artificial mechanical limbs, embedded chips and devices, another interesting concept is the exocortex, which is a brain-computer interface. In theory, the exocortex would be a computer-like processing system that would co-exist with and enhance the power of the human brain. Neuromancer is a book that has talked about such a scenario.[1] future_human_evolution_banner The Fatal Consequences Of Mind-Control Online-connected brains and neural networks. “ICT” = Information and Communication Technologies “BMI” = Brain Machine Interface, brain-computer interconnection “FET” = Future and Emerging Technologies “S.T.” = Synthetic Telepathy “A.I.” = Artificial Intelligence. FET and ICT research and development (of the new “computer – brain language”) allows computers to read and learn human thought patterns by using injectable brain – machine – interface. About the same brain-machine interface has has been used to cure Parkinson’s disease , Alzheimer’s and depression can also be used for accessing the brain’s memory. World Cach Professor Goran Hermerén OPINION OF THE EUROPEAN GROUP ON ETHICS IN SCIENCE AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES TO THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION (ETHICAL ASPECTS OF ICT IMPLANTS IN THE HUMAN BODY) March 2005 Link to document The new software for the brain-machine interface in nano electronics combined with “Europe’s new information technology” provides the researchers with the possibillities for reading and taking “software images” of the brain’s neuron network. A method that provides high-resolution copies of the brains cognitive behavior and human perception. Tomorrow’s high-speed computers and related research has evolved into a sophisticated “computer game” with “mind reading” on real people…. These research methods are unknown to our society’s legal system! So how can research on the brain by “serious” (criminal) organizations in ICT-FET be stopped? SYNTHETIC TELEPATHY for medicine or mind reading is a direct communication with nanoelectronics between computer and human brain. Synthetic telepathy is a communication system based on thought, not speech. It can be used to control for example a prosthesis and cure diseases such as Parkinson’s disease but can also decode the patterns used to study cognitive behavior such as memory, learning and emotion. With nano technology, the digital information can be recorded using the new quantum-inspired computers. Simulation of behavior can be identified and provide diagnostic data for identifying the precursors to diseases such as dementia, stroke and myocardial infarction This letter is intended to demonstrate a paradox in the Swedish so-called “protection of human rights” and thus the entire Swedish justice system. Synthetic telepathy could, as practiced in Sweden, lie behind an unknown number of violent crimes and suicides due to research deliberately kept hidden from regulators. Doctors and psychiatrics diagnose people with “voices in his head” following their “manuals”. DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) published by the American Psychiatric Association and the ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Disorders and Related Health Problems). This is an old-fashioned black and white and diagnose when the EU priority FET ICT research and develop new information technologies adapted to nano-electronics. mind-control-weapons Ulf Gorman writes in the book that with nano technology, we open the doors to an unknown area where we do not know how to apply ethics. What should be and what should not be allowed when you implant a chip that can both read and influence the brain? He takes the example of studying learning and memory. Micro Implants can provide unprecedented opportunities to understand how we learn and remember things, and hence why we forget and find it difficult to learn. And it can be understood as a form of abuse to look like that into our most private mental world. Lund University writes about the development of nano-electrodes that can both listen and communicate with neuronal synapses and their cell membranes. EU priority ICT and FET research are talking about a “A whole new communication technology in Europe” “It will help us understand and exploit the ways in which social and biological systems, organization and evolution, will pave the way for the development of new opportunities for next-generation software and network technologies “. To understand how the human brain works not only leads to innovations in medicine but also provides new models for energy, fault-tolerant and adaptive computing technologies “. An initiative of the Virtual Human Physiology that are individually tailored and virtual simulations of the human body where you would expect enormous progress in disease prevention and health care. The pioneering work carried out also on new ideas such as artificial living cells, synthetic biology, chemical communication, collective intelligence and two-way interface between brain and machine Brain reading Other sources, e.g The UCI (University of California Irvin. Department of Cognitive Science) describes the development of Synthetic Telepathy: Collaboration between cognitive science, neuro-science, specialists in speech recognition and brain imaging will develop a brain-machine interface. This device could help paralyzed and soldiers would be able to send messages directly from the brain to a computer. Researcher Michael D’Zmura, President of the UCI describes that the system begins with “the little voice in your head“. How can a medical diagnosis unequivocally describe people’s perception of voices in their head and that no alternative can exist except mental disease. Why? -because it is a prerequisite to be able to “hear” voices for the use of new information technology? This is why these researchers must be forced to go public and announce this new scientific communication technology. This paradox must be investigated immediately.With the exclusion of the development of a Swedish and European military force with superior two-way “radio” communication with the brain. A number of past court cases are more or less directly caused by S.T. This “voice to skull” technology must immediately be taken into consideration as an alternative for triggering a number of previously committed violent crimes and suicides. During the development of BMI, software and network technologies are also computerized and long distance imaging of peoples cognitive behavior and perception. Material that is recorded in the computer that runs the real time simulation and creation of artificial intelligence (for initializing A.I. and computerized decision making.) The image of the brain’s “machine-code” is probably the most comprehensive and advanced ever made. Cognitive behavior depicted and simulated, language and meaning of the words for the subjects are identified. Human perception and mapping how the brain handles information, the image of mathematics reached its perfection. neuron wave A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community. Around the clock the computerized study goes on using collective, artificial intelligence and self-learning systems. The victims testimonies tells us that you can sadly conclude unequivocally that the studies will not be completed until the victim in one way or another has been broken down and / or otherwise inactivated. This provides power to simulate decomposition for the digital copy thus the fact that the criminal research will not end and is never disclosed. Descriptions to the vulnerable people who eat psychotropic drugs due to their experiences the experiments and testing goes on, various medicines can affect the “test objects” (or guinea pigs) everything is recorded and compared with previous values (from the multi-annual copy of their real-time neural network and thus the registration of their behavior.) Obviously this is a disgusting and illegal way to meet the advanced development of tomorrow’s medicine. The “studies” have resulted in enormous damage to many subjects.The number of unrecorded victims/subjects is probably very high.Families are fragmented, the children of these families are suffering tremendously. One of the subjects have recently been hospitalized with a cracked skull, caused by disconnecting the balance system remotely. The accident occurred in public settings. A new research scandal and the fatal consequences for the wider community. To influence the balance system is another typical example of how technology is used against the victim to incapacitate them for society. Direct assassination attempts on several previous occasions orchestrated by the brain control deliberately strikes out the human balance system, Why this happens is likely as an alternative to the mentally ill to be treated (as “possessed”) or having a neurological disease. Brain – copying with BMI and broadband access is definitely no longer a marginal research.Employers have over the years lost millions of dollars and cut-downs is to be expected due to excluded employees. Broken families, children who, years later can not study or work is now forced to seek psychiatric care. Siblings, grandparents and their closest friends are suffering tremendously. Advanced Medical and hospital care due to study design is a mockery of health-care and doctors who are not familiar with this research. Insurance in the multi-million figures was raised through direct damage caused by brain control. Property for millions of dollars are lost. Injuries and privacy intrusion of thousands of people is done through “volunteers” that serve as multimedia machines i.e node for the recording of all contacts they have, such as politicians, scientists, lawyers, friends, acquaintances, relatives, international business relations, etc.. Security codes, access codes, etc. is with the new technology no longer private.How can we know that people are not equipped with the new brain-machine interface which makes the person a multimedia application with a function as a live missile is already deployed as nodes in the political and financial world of illegal recording of their conversations with the world? A sinister JOY seems to embrace the researchers and perpetrators over this superior and powerful tool for mind control and copying brainwave patterns. The tool is, without a doubt, a weapon of offense and stealth. Implant technology in these forms should immediately be classified as a lethal weapon! It communicates directly with the brain’s neurons and can bring the entire neural nervous system to a halt.(Exclusion of balance can be immediately implied on a victim.) The technology is now used for purposes of breaking down the persons psyche, with serious accusations, threats, mock execution, incitement to suicide, physical violence, e.g, decrease and increase heart rate, pain in and around the heart, severe chest pains, sudden and painful headaches, difficulty to breathe, tampering with rectum, prostate and muscles to name a few. The macabre in the use of this technology is that subjects are exposed to these atrocities while the society is not legally able to influence the situation. Sweden is in this matter a lawless country where the researchers grossly exploit the situation. face mind This ultimate humiliation has reached a whole new level. The researchers tries with the enforced communication and slow decomposition enslave people with exhortations to try to see the individual results of the brain control. One can calculate due to the nature and perennial perspective that there are naturally a unrecorded number of people who have been driven to madness and death with this technology. There is nowhere the victims can hide or escape the access signals to their thoughts. Scientists simulate with computers, 24/7 365 days a year to break down the subjects and stop them from trying to understand what’s happening to them… A series of grotesque roles played in order to manipulate the brain, threats and statements that are mixed with modern technology. It is also in the researchers’ strategy to make the picture unclear for the subjects if they attempt to get an overall picture of who the perpetrator is and the real goals of the research, a military strategy conducted by veterans and experts in the matters. The disrespectful research performed and visualized in a 3D virtual game world in the researchers’ computers, with no ethical boundaries and human rights but with real living human beings as “avatars”. It is quite similar to the popular interactive game “The Sims‘, But this game delivers human reality-based measurement data for research. Cover-up of brain monitoring technologies means that the crime is waterproof, human rights laws and manipulated by a hidden militant regime researcher with expertise in information technology. In addition, the researchers say they in the dialogue to be the police power which in itself is an extremely serious offense. For the victims– former high-performance hard-working people with families, children, an orderly life and social contacts. People who all his life been performing taxpayers. Because of a work-related mental fatigue and time on medical therapy sessions with the scientists the opportunity to take advantage of the situation of persons for investigation and contemporary development of the new BMI and brain monitoring technologies. As these technologies and opportunities are not announced, but several instances re-written, must be able to use knowledge and skills which are available. Sweden is a small country and the people engaged in this activity may not be so difficult to identify and stop. The researchers in these studies have assumed the right that during the permanent reproduction of human neurotransmitters in the long term also destroy them and their life’s work. The issue is called for; How affected society to know that the violent crime and suicide has been performed in the Stockholm area and Europe in recent years and clearly diagnosed as being caused by mental illness with the voices in heads is an expression of pure brain research! By: Magnus Olsson Posted 3 years, 6 months ago at 13:12. Add a comment Mind Control-The Neuro Nano Revolution- Neural Remote Monotoring. Hacking the human brain,,, Hacking the human brain August 20, 2012 Madison Ruppert, Contributor As hard as it is to believe, what many might think is the last bastion of total privacy, namely, the human mind, is quickly becoming just as vulnerable as the rest of our lives with the invention of mind-reading devices, brain implants and other ways to “hack” the mind. Now security researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Oxford and the University of Geneva, have created a custom program to interface with brain-computer interface (BCI) devices and steal personal information from unsuspecting victims. The researchers targeted consumer-grade BCI devices due to the fact that they are quickly gaining popularity in a wide variety of applications including hands-free computer interfacing, video games and biometric feedback programs. Furthermore, there are now application marketplaces – similar to the ones popularized by Apple and the Android platform – which rely on an API to collect data from the BCI device. Unfortunately with all new technology comes new risks and until now, “The security risks involved in using consumer-grade BCI devices have never been studied and the impact of malicious software with access to the device is unexplored,” according to a press release. The individuals involved with this project – which resulted in a research paper entitled “On the Feasibility of Side-Channel Attacks with Brain-Computer Interfaces,” include Ivan Martinovic and Tomas Ros of the Universities of Oxford and Geneva, respectively, along with Doug Davies, Mario Frank, Daniele Perito, and Dawn Song, all of the University of California, Berkeley. The findings of these innovative researchers are nothing short of disturbing. They found “that this upcoming technology could be turned against users to reveal their private and secret information.” Indeed, they used relatively cheap BCI devices based on electroencephalography (EEG) in order to demonstrate the feasibility of surprisingly simple and effective attacks. The information that can be gained by the attacks is incredibly sensitive, including, “bank cards, PIN numbers, area of living, the knowledge of the known persons.” Most troubling is the fact that this represents “the first attempt to study the security implications of consumer-grade BCI devices,” which makes the success of the attacks that much more disconcerting. The researchers tested out their proprietary program on 28 different participants who, while they were obviously aware that they were cooperating in a study, were not aware that they were being “brain-hacked,” as it were. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your perspective, the researchers found “that the entropy of the private information is decreased on the average by approximately 15% – 40% compared to random guessing attacks.” Or as Sebastian Anthony put it in writing for ExtremeTech, “in general the experiments had a 10 to 40% chance of success of obtaining useful information.” The researchers leveraged a distinctive EEG signal pattern known as the P300 response. This brainwave pattern typically occurs when the subject recognizes something such as a friend’s face or a tool necessary to complete a given task. Using the knowledge of the P300 response, the researchers created a program which utilizes a technique which those who are familiar with typical hacking might call a “brute force” method. However, this method is only loosely comparable to the traditional brute force methods since we’re talking about using a brute force attack on the human mind. The researchers did this by flashing pictures of maps, banks, PINs, etc. while monitoring the subject for any P300 responses. After they had collected enough data from the subject, they were able to easily compare the captured information in order to see when a P300 response was triggered by a certain image. Thus, this allowed the researchers to discover with surprising accuracy which bank the subject uses, where they live, and other information which could potentially be highly sensitive. The key to capturing this information seems to be making the subject remain unaware of the fact that they are being attacked either through specially formulated “games” designed to steal personal information from the mind of the target or through a false sense of security engendered by social engineering techniques. Personally, I find it quite troubling that people could have their personal information stolen simply by playing what they think is a normal game controlled by a BCI device when in reality it is a carefully engineered piece of software designed to pull private data from the target’s mind. As Anthony correctly points out, “Moving forward, this brain hack can only improve in efficacy as BCIs become cheaper, more accurate, and thus more extensively used.” However, Anthony incorrectly states, “Really, your only defense is to not think about the topic,” when in reality the P300 response can occur without consciously “thinking” about the topic. The response can occur when a picture of a familiar face or location shows up, even if the individual isn’t thinking about the familiar person or the location. While someone could theoretically be on the defensive in an attempt to minimize their responses, the entire methodology of the hacker depends on avoiding detection to begin with. Therefore, if the target is already consciously on the defensive, the hacker has failed in their task of remaining in the shadows and carrying out the attack without the knowledge of the target. That being said, if programs are created in a clever enough manner, I seriously doubt that most people would be able to tell that they’re being actively attacked in order to obtain their most private and sensitive information. Regulate Brain Implant Technology! Revolutions in semiconductor device miniaturization, bioelectronics, and applied neural control technologies are enabling scientists to create machine-assisted minds, science fiction’s “cyborgs.” In a paper published in 1999, we sought to draw attention to the advances in prosthetic devices, to the myriad of artificial implants, and to the early developments of this technology in cochlear and retinal implants. Our concern, then and now, was to draw attention to the ethical issues arising from these innovations. Since that time, breakthroughs have occurred at a breathtaking pace. Scientists, researchers, and engineers using differing methodologies are pursuing the possibilities of direct interfaces between brains and machines. Technological innovations as such are neither good nor evil; it is the uses devised for them that create moral implications. As there can be ethical problems inherent in the proper human uses of technologies and because brain chips are a very likely future technology, it is prudent to formulate policies and regulations that will mitigate their ill effects before the technologies are widespread. Unlike genetic technologies, which have received widespread scrutiny within the scientific community, national governments, and international forums, brain–machine interfaces have received little social or ethical scrutiny. However, the potential of this technology to change and significantly affect humans is potentially far greater than that of genetic enhancements, because genetic enhancements are inherently limited by biology and the single location of an individual, whereas hybrids of human and machine are not so restricted. Today, intense interest is focused on the development of drugs to enhance memory; yet, these drugs merely promise an improvement of normal memory, not the encyclopedic recall of a computer-enhanced mind combined with the ability to share information at a distance. The potential of brain chips for transforming humanity are astounding. This paper describes advances in hybrid brain–machine interfaces, offers some likely hypotheses concerning future developments, reflects on the implications of combining cloning and transplanted brain chips, and suggests some potential methods of regulating these technologies. Regulating Brain Implant Technologies. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 16 , pp 291-302 doi:10.1017/S0963180107070326 Posted 3 years, 6 months ago at 22:47. Add a comment Mind Control-The Neuro Nano Revolution- Neural Remote Monotoring. Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine,,, Neo-Humanity: Transhumanism Will Merge Man With Machine August 10, 2012 mind control Susanne Posel, Contributor Science and religion meet at the intersection of a $55 million grant gifted to UC Riverside in Pennsylvania by the John Templeton Foundation for further research into an afterlife and immortality. John Martin Fischer, philosophy professor from UC Riverside, will host conferences and oversee post-doctoral students running a website that centers around immortality; along with international consensus where psychologists and neuroscientists from across the globe will convene. The globalist Elite are obsessed with the merging man and machine, transhumanism and immortality. Basing advancements on scientific research, the 2045 Program will create “a new vision of human development that meets global challenges humanity faces today, realization of the possibility of a radical extension of human life by means of cybernetic technology, as well as the formation of a new culture associated with these technologies.” Headed by Dimitry Itskov, the Avatar Project, an off-shoot of 2045, will house human brains in disembodied vehicles. They will initially be transplanted into robots, then humans by 2045 with the advancement of reverse-engineering; an effective “downloading” of human consciousness onto a computer chip. DARPA is extremely interested in Avatar for the allocation of bi-pedal robots and essential super-soldiers and have devoted $7 million of its $2.8 billion 2012 budget to developing “interfaces and algorithms to enable a soldier to effectively partner with a semi-autonomous bi-pedal machine and allow it to act as the soldier’s surrogate.” These human-controlled robots will be strong enough to “clear a room” and “facilitate sentry control and combat causality recovery.” Yet these “terminators” would easily be the most effective weapon against civil unrest or radical revolutionaries that did not subscribe to the globalist agenda. The globalists at the 2045 Program assert that humanity “is in need of a new evolutionary strategy” consisting of a balance between the complexity of technological advances and the acceleration of informational processes to expand the “limited, primitive human” into a “highly self-organized” and technologically “higher intelligence”. Technology can organize society and integrate unification of a super collective consciousness – a superbeing. By doing away with individuality, the conclusion is the elimination of: Lack of consumer provisions Aging, illness and death Crime and conflicts Natural disasters and catastrophes Superpeople are the epitome of communitarianism and collectivism as the new globalist vision of society marches toward immortal superpeople. Because communitarianism is the ideology of the importance of community over the individual, the creation of a communalist society is the emphatic over-reaching value that if it does not provide for the whole, it is not worth pursuit. The concept of the neo-human and neo-humanity is the replacement for a post-industrial capitalist and consumer-based society where a new form of civilization will emerge. At the Global Future 2045 International Conference in 2013, scientists from all corners of the globe along with experts in nanotechnology, biotechnology, transbiology and other sciences will suggest a collaborative evolution of humanity into an transcendent era where the UN’s agenda of population transformation will be implemented. A new model for society that adheres to the globalist ideologies of merging controllable humans with machines to facilitate a new race of human being that is led by artificial intelligence plunged into the global AI computer system and functions simply to be an autonomous workforce for the global Elite. The goal of transhumanism is to replace all existing laws with the purpose of destroying the essence of humanity for the sake of control. Hybrid humans with robotic implants are expected to be released into the general public by 2014. Humanity+, “an international nonprofit membership organization which advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities”. In their Transhumanist Declaration they advocate old and new ideals of globalist transhumanism by promoting: Using technology to “broaden human potential” by overcoming aging and “cognitive shortcomings” Provide forums where globalist scientist and researchers can “deliberate how [to enhance humanity through science] to expedite beneficial applications” Facilitate “social order, improve human foresight and wisdom” through genetic enhancement Influence policymakers to include the transhumanist “responsible and moral vision” The Transhumanist Agenda uses eugenics, reproductive controls, sterilization campaigns, genetic engineering, RFID chips and rewiring of the brain through pharmaceuticals to achieve their goals. Their quest for immortality with the merging of human and machine is just one part in their convoluted scheme to retain their global dominance over our society. For now, the general public is guinea pigs to be used to prefect their experiments so that by 2050, they will have full implemented their control grid and there will be no one to dissent. Posted 3 years, 7 months ago at 14:49. Add a comment FOI The Swedish Defense Research Institution FOI� The Swedish Defense Research Institution summary of their public records of brain technology� 2011 HUMAN-SYSTEMS-INTERACTION, HSI FOIs Department for MSI conducts research and development of methods for valuing and developing the relationship between man, machine and system. Maximum use in system during all life cycle requires taking into account their needs, possibilities and constraints in the development of technology, system and methods. FOI develops systems with emphasis on the interaction between people and technology. The goal is that systems be designed so that human cognitive potential, i.e. the ability to perceive, understand, and sorting information, can be utilized for maximum system effect. Key activities are human information retrieval, information management, situation awareness, operational performance, training and education. Our work is focused on the interaction between humans and technology and the requirements of tasks. We develop and integrate behavioral and psycho-physical knowledge about human behavior in complex and stressful environments. In addition to studies in the operating environment, we perform various simulations for our customers. We have unique tools for the valuation of human behavior and performance as well as methods for the characterization and modeling of human behavior. Our experience and knowledge of man in military systems enable unique contributions to the development of civil systems. THE MANAGEMENT OF HSI, HUMAN-SYSTEM INTERACTION Central to our work is that decision makers can benefit from relevant information. Through our research on human-system interaction (MSI) and the management methodology issues, we can determine what the needs are and how they should be met. Often, information fusion is an important detail for the final decision support. The knowledge we create can also support the safety of society in terms of prevention and operational management. Our biggest customer is the Armed Forces. FOI supports and participates in the development of new management systems by studying and examining management methodology. DEFENCE ANALYSIS Decision-makers need decision alternatives that provide flexibility and added value in a short term perspective. FOI’s Department for Defence Analysis produces data and create methods, tools and working methods that make for good decisions. Clients are primarily in total defense authorities where operations research groups directly involved in various studies and planning jobs. The department also conducts research and investigative projects for business and for those of the scientific community. RESEARCH AREAS The management of HSI, Human-System Interaction Humans and Technology Rapid technological development is making increasing demands on people’s ability to act and function together with advanced systems. FOI conducts extensive research on human interaction, physiological conditions and limitations. Humans are a natural component of most modern systems. FOI’s breadth of research in this area provides an overview of the solutions required to get functional systems. Based on human functioning and capacity FOI conducts research in the HSI (human-system interaction), physiology, traumatology and emergency medical care. Defence Medicine Operations in the defense research often involves large physical burden on people at risk of serious injury. Nanotechnology opportunities and limitations Nanotechnology has recently become a term that shows up in everything from medicines and pans to military intelligence systems. Nano is a prefix meaning one billionth, and comes from the Greek word nano, meaning dwarf. A nanometer is one millionth of a millimeter. FOI conducted research on nanotechnology, even before the concept became so hot that it is today … The knowledge we have built up by the applied defense research can now through FOI training courses may also be other players to share. (Own additions: National Board of Health Director-General wrote to one of us that they have no responsibility for nanotechnology related to the brain and the research project as the government’s directives are designed today.) Information Systems At the department of information systems, we put people first and develop smart solutions ranging from data collection through advanced sensors into innovative presentation system. It provides smart solutions that increase the user’s ability to form an understanding of the position to be able to make better decisions. Our research spans the entire chain from sensors to decision support. Sensors or arrays of sensors can provide early warning, monitoring events, helping to control the actions and map the extent of the injury. Our research in IT security, communications and electronic warfare are studying how information from the sensors to safely reach the decision maker. There will ensure ago FOI research in data fusion, systems and human-system interaction that the user can understand and translate that information into effective decisions. Posted 3 years, 7 months ago at 22:44. Add a comment « Older Entries Pages: Mind-Control-Mind-Computer Synthetic Telepathy …. Syntetisk Telepati…. MIND CONTROL EUROPE, and the brain reading computers, brain-remote, neural monitoring, experimentation! “Brain-Chip” Nano Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson (Sweden). “Brain-Chip” ( E.U ) “Uploading the MIND” About the mind control,,,Goal could make Minority Report a reality ? Are you a Robosapiens ??? Arguments of own minds !!! Society for brain integrity? Army developing “synthetic telepaty” UN Commission of Human Rights, Interpol, EU Commission of Ethics Artificial Memory Artificial Telepathy Artificial Telepathy 101 Biocomputers Bioetik och medicinsk etik – NANO implantat Bioetik Uppsala Universitet Bionic sex chip, and The future of mind control ! Brain Implants for MIND CONTROL // Minduploading Brain Memory Chip… Brain Network Brain Science “brain implants” Brev till Svenska Staten Chemtrails, What is happening… Remote control of every single synapse and neuron for the person ! Computational Neuroscience, (Mind uploading) Mind Control, and Mindtransfer! DARPA (U.S.A) on Youre Brain,,,Neuroscience to Enhance Performance Don”t Leave Your Memory At Home Ethical aspects of ICT implants in the human body / brain : opinion presented to the Commission Exocortex (Your brain on internet) Forskarskandal med dödlig utgång… Hjärnimplantat för “Sinnes Kontroll” HOMO DIGITALIS How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ? “The Artificial Intelligense” Human Brain Implants for MIND-CONTROL // By: Magnus Olsson Human Implants for MIND-CONTROL (SWEDEN, EUROPE,USA) I.B.M “Computerbrain” IBM “Cloud Computing” En Smart Planet!!! IBM Computerbrain IBM produces first ‘brain chips’ “IBM Advanced chip Technology” IMPLANTS Implants in the Human BRAIN -USA- International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies Karolinska Institutets Dolda Verksamheter som är Kriminella !!! Letters to the Research Council (Pär Omling) Criminal Research in Sweden 2010 Living With a Brain Chip Magnus Olsson: Nano-Brain-Implant and Artificial Intelligence Technologies (Full Lecture) Magnus Picture skull Medtronic implant MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower about Mind Control (Video) Microwave Warfare – Barrie Trower Mind Control Brain “Mind”Link Technology 101 Mind Control “Brain Control” and Brain Cloning ! “To build a Computerbrain” Mind Control / Uploading the Brain / Mindreading,,, Mind Control N.S.A WE Have No Secrets (Anymore) Mind Control, “Brain Control” and Brain Cloning “To build a Computerbrain” Mind Control, Brain “MIND” Link Technology Mind control, Implantat, historik, teknik !!! Mind Control,The Mind Uploading (reverse engineering the brain) – Targeted Individuals Europe Mind Control-The Neuro Nano Revolution- Neural Remote Monotoring Mind-Brain-Control Mind control: Symptoms Mind Rape,,, Mind-Control/Weapon-Brain-Computers Mindtech about “Mind Rape” (Neuro Computing) MORE INFORMATIONS OF MIND CONTROL Multimedia Man is Here !!! N.D.A and DARPA-NSA Nano Augmentation: A Reality! for Mind Control !!! NANO Bionic implants raise ethical questions


Posted in: Artifical-Intelligence, Nano Brain Implant. Tagged: ai airforce artifical-intelligence artificial telepathy bci brain-computer-interface brain implant cars chemical stimulus concentration gradient cross sectional area crystal-radio electrical resistanc, airforce, artifical-intelligence, brain implant, brain implants, magnus olsson, mind control, society, technology. Leave a comment ABOUT US World Cach WHO WE ARE Article 1 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the (2000) states that “Human dignity is inviolable. It must be respected and protected”. In a highly information and communications technology-based world, this fundamental human right and basic ethical principle is facing an increasing threat. The Coalition against Covert Harassment (USCACH) is a not-for-profit organisation committed to raising awareness to the problem of non-consensual experimentation using remote influencing technologies and techniques on the human mind and body. We propose clear ethical boundaries to regulate their use. mind control WHAT WE DO The Coalition against Covert Harassment is committed to raising awareness to the legal systems as well as to the medical and scientific community to the crime of illegal biomedical and weaponry research committed on citizens in the European Union and beyond. As a European network, USCACH acts as a lobbying and advocacy platform towards the world. Using our international network of scientific and technology experts, partner civil and human rights organisations as well as important stakeholders in civil society, we provide consultancy services to the EU Institutions based on our expertise. USCACH’s organisational goal is to influence legislation and the decision-making process in calling for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. Global brain 202 HOW WE DO IT Awareness-raising campaigns to disseminate information and mobilise public opinion on the issue of covert technologies and techniques that enable the manipulation of human beings Providing expert consultancy to key decision-makers on the creation of appropriate EU legislation to protect citizens from this kind of covert crimes. Organising networking events (workshops, seminars, conferences) involving all actors concerned to exchange experiences and best practices for the establishment of clear ethical boundaries to strictly regulate the use of systems enabling the manipulation and control of human beings. It is our philosophy that all men are equal before the law. Everybody’s right to life shall be protected. Nobody shall be subjected to torture or held in slavery. Any technologies and techniques capable of endangering the human physical and/or psychological health, to modify the individuals’ autonomy and affect their dignity should be strictly prohibited. Read more about ICT – implants at the Group on Ethics and New Technologies:

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