Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"SUDDENLY!" —HEIDI BAKER VISION referencing Joe Sweet (ministry) & Ameri...


The following is a transcript of a vision Heidi Baker of Iris Ministries had years ago which was shared at a conference in 2015 (see video at the bottom).  In light of the current coronavirus issues, people panic-buying and grocery store shelves being nearly empty, and the fact that any similar “sudden” event could cause a similar problem, this word seems both relevant and something worth praying into.  We, the Body of Christ, need to purpose in our hearts to pursue walking in the Greater Works of miracles that Jesus promised in John 14 that we would walk in.

“I had a vision in your church and it wasn’t what I expected to see. I saw bread lines, soup kitchens, and I saw people wearing beautiful clothing. Their clothing was not worn out. Now in my nation when people are hungry you can tell. I mean they are in shredded rags. They don’t have shoes or they have flip flops. Most of them have no shoes. They are hungry and they know they are hungry. They come for food, not because they are beggars, but because they are hungry.
I have held starving children in my arms. I know what starvation is. I know what pain is. I know what suffering is. But in this vision that I had that was in your nation, which the Lord is helping me to say, I will identify with America as well as Mozambique.
I saw this bread line, long bread lines, and I said, ‘Lord, I don’t think that is popular to say in a church, especially one that is all about revival and victory and power.’
I didn’t want to see what I saw, but I saw what I saw so, I was so undone that I just said what I saw. And I saw all these people and they had beautiful cars, 4 by 4’s and Lexus, Mercedez, BMW’s, Toyotas. There they were with fancy shiny cars, but they were standing in line.
What I said about worrying, the worriers turned into worshipping warriors.
I asked, ‘Why are they so well dressed and standing in this line?’
He said, ‘Because it is a suddenly. They are suddenly in need of food.’
I asked, ‘What are we to do?’
He said, ‘Tell them that what you see in Mozambique they will see in America with the signs and wonders and miracles. They will see it on their soil. They will see what I do.’
What is it that He does? For one thing He puts peace on you in the midst of the storm.”
-Heidi Baker-

We have previously published a prophetic word from Margie Moorman back in 2017 (titled Could These Be Bread Lines Again)that, from our perspective, is both a confirming word and also kind of picks up where this prophetic word leaves off and shares what God’s plan for our response to those in bread lines should be.

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