by Matthew Ehret, CanadianPatriot1776The last months have seen the most remarkable fissures breaking in the foundation of the House of Windsor whose austere image of duty and Christian morality have entirely broken down under afirestorm of scandals showcasing the culture of crime and degeneracy prevalent across the upper ranks of the empire.Scandal for royals by itself is nothing astounding. Hell, an entire tabloid industry has been built around it. What is exceptional is the amount of morally repugnant scandal breaking all at once and the systemic shock effect it has had on the institutions of the monarchy.Earlier last year an internationalpedophilia ring patronized by royalty with tentacles across the elite of the western world came to light in extreme detailwith the effect that Royal Prince Andrew has found himself “fired” from all positions of authority in order to live in a state of early retirement. To the horror of the royals, Andrew’s connection to Epstein has renewed interest in the earlier Jimmy Saville scandal which blew up after the TV show host’s death in 2011. At that moment hundreds of pedophilia (andnecrophilia ) cases spanning decades were made public. The fact that Saville was a lifelong friend of both Princes Charles and Andrew alike was even more detrimental a fact than the Epstein connection.For thinking people, these scandals have awakened a renewed interest in the truth of another crime arranged by the royal family over 20 years ago:The assassination of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997. The best exposition of the truth of this murder was presented in the 2011 documentary Unlawful Killing directed by Keith Allan and funded by Mohammed al-Fayed (father of Dodi al-Fayed). If you have not yet watched this film, I couldn’t recommend it more highly. Seriously… do it.Today, Diana’s youngerson Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle have made headlines announcing their unprecedented abdication from “senior positions” in the royal family in order to “work to become financially independent, while continuing to fully support Her Majesty the Queen”… in Canada. While theories abound as to why this is happeningfrom gossipy circles who wish to count the various Clinton-connected figures of the western liberal establishment currently courting the royal couple, I wish to evaluate this anomaly from a slightly different angle.The Clash of ‘Two Christianities’This angle addresses the very battle in western civilization between two forms of Christianity showcased dramatically in the 2018 weddingceremony which must be seen to be believed and demonstrated something very important about the clash of “Two Christianities” which has shaped the last 2000 years of western history.This battle is found in the opposing concepts of Man, God and Nature’s law from which all definitions of “Justice”, “Goodness”, “Beauty”, “Truth” and “Love” emanate. In the case of what we will call “oligarchical Christianity” preferred by slave owners and imperialists, we will classify that perverted version which denies thevalidly of such passages like 1 Corinthians 13 preferring instead to emphasize the submissiveness of slaves to masters, masses to priesthoods and serfs to Caesar.Obedience without love or knowledge which slave owners used to keep their human property in bondage for centuries is the Christianity that modern critics like Marx and Engels have attacked as “opium for the masses”.The other form of Christianity is found in the total opposition to slavery due to the principled faith that ALL humans, regardless of race, are made in the image of the Creator and with implicitly inalienable rights. This was the revolutionary Christianity that gave birth to the greatest freedom struggles of historyinternationally including the anti-slavery movement of the 19th century through to the 20th century Civil Rights movement led by Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.This more potent Christianity expresses itself in various forms and denominations, but the common denominator is the PRINCIPLE of 1 Corinthians 13 – with Paul’s directive to love in a total,agapic , revolutionary manner even if it means the loss of one’s own security and even one’s own life. Before Christ, this form of love which imperialists mortally feared was embodied eloquently in the 5th century BC drama Prometheus Boundwritten by Aeschylus (more to be said below).So how does this lesson of the ‘two Christianities’ manifest itself in the current story of Harry and Markle’s departure from the collapsing House of Windsor?To answer that, I’d like to take a short review of the royal couple’s 2018wedding which featured a most anomalous occurrence which one would have to see in order to believe.Fractures Grow at the Royal WeddingAs the guests arrived in the usual pomp and regalia that such an event typically entails, all appeared to be unfolding according to British Anglican standards of conduct and Kantian elitism. As the keynote speaker Bishop Michael Curry (head of the American Episcopal Church (1)) began his sermon, something began to change. Based upon the scowling expressions of the Queen, her consort and squirming discomfort of other royals in the audience, one could see why something had fallen completely “off script”.Opening the ceremony, the bishop gave a speech one would never have thought possible in the walls of the Church of St. George which has only known the hollow form of oligarchical Christianity for centuries. Speaking on the nature of genuineagapic love in opposition to the hollow shell of an empire, Rev. Curry stated:“Jesus said, ‘you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. This is the first and great commandment.’ And the second is like it. Love your neighbor as yourself. And then in Matthews’ version, he added, he said on these two, love of God and love of neighbor, hang all the law, all the prophets, everything that Moses wrote, everything in the holy prophets, everything in the scriptures, everything that God has been trying to tell the world, love god. Love your neighbors. And while you’re at it, love yourself.Someone once said that Jesus began the most revolutionary movement in all of human history, a movement grounded in the unconditional love of Godfor the world. And a movement mandating people to live that love. And in so doing, to change not only theirlives but the very life of the world itself. I’m talking about some power, real power, the power to change the world.”Curry shifted gears near the end of his sermon in order to celebrate the figure of Aeschylus’ drama named Prometheus, the fire-bringer who stole fire from Zeus in order to share it with mankind at the cost of thousands of years of torture.“Fire, to a great extent, made human civilization possible. Fire made it possible to cook food and to provide sanitary ways of eating, which reduced the spread of disease in its time. Fire made it possible to heat warm environments and thereby made human migration around the world a possibility, even into colder climates. Fire made it possible—there is no—there was no Bronze Age without fire. No Iron Age without fire. No Industrial Revolution without fire. The advances of science and technology are greatly dependent on human ability and capacity to take fire and use it for human good.”It is an open secret that the modern environmentalist movement’s longest-living founder and patron is none other than Prince Philip himself, who co-founded the World Wildlife Fund for Nature in 1961 along with his bosom buddy Prince Bernhardt of Bilderberger fame. Married to the head of the Anglican Church, Prince Philip expressed this misanthropic anti-Christian view of a man on multiple occasions over the years and has even publicly stated his wish to be “reincarnated as a deadly virus” to solve overpopulation. In a December 1981 People Magazine interview, His royal virus laid it all out when he said:“Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We’re in for a major disaster if it isn’t curbed… The more people there are, the more resources they’ll consume, the more pollution they’ll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn’t controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily.”It is also an open secret that the guiding ethic of the environmental movement which Philip and Bernhardt founded identified the figure of Prometheus as the core enemy image of man which has caused all of the “environmental disequilibrium” throughout history that their anti-growth decarbonization schemes have sought to undo.A leading Commander of the British Empire, friend of Philip and top advisor to Pope Francis, Sir Hans Schellnhuber co-authored the 2015 Encyclical Laudato Si which led into the Vatican push for a new category of “climate sins” which dovetails the international Green New Deal when he stated: “In the age of fire, mankind has grown to a certain planetary power… And thus we are steering on in complete ignorance of the firewalls of the planetary system. Is there an alternative course? There are many! But all require, not reform, but rather the early defeat of the fossil-nuclear complex.”Experiencing the fire of Promethean Christianity burn the skin of royal viruses like Prince Philip in the morally hollowed walls of St. George’s Cathedral was really refreshing. The musical intervention featuring African American spirituals displayed honesty in that profane den of hypocrisy which was also a welcomed breath of fresh air.Whatever the deeper reasons for Harry and Markle’s departure from their positions to create a new life distanced from the monarchy, we do know that this schism between image and reality has occurred, and is growing larger every day. One can almost hear the echo of Edgar Poe’s Roderick Usher (an archetype for all royals) sitting in his hollowed castle screaming in horror at the reality that the days of Feudal grandeur are over, as the fissures long ignored in the manor’s foundations result in the collapse of the house and all it stands for.With these humble thoughts in mind, I hope you enjoy watching the royals squirm as much as I did.
The author can be reached at Bishop Curry’s parents were both sharecroppers from Alabama who joined the Episcopal Church during the days of segregation when it was the only church in Ohio that permitted blacks and whites to drink from the same chalice.AUTHOR DETAILSFounder , The Canadian PatriotMatthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, a BRI Expert on Tactical talk, and has authored 3 volumes of ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation and can be reached at matt.ehret@tutamail.comDISCLOSURES: All content herein is owned by author exclusively. Expressed opinions are NOT necessarily the views of VT, authors, affiliates, advertisers, sponsors, partners or technicians. Some content may be satirical in nature. All images within are full responsibility of author and NOT VT.
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Prince Charles Tests Positive For COVID-19, Deaths In Spain Soar, Pass China After Largest Daily Jump: Live Updates
- Prince Charles tests positive for
coronavirus - Singapore, Tokyo report largest daily jump in new cases
- Spain deaths pass mainland China total
Deal struckon $2 trillion US rescue bill- Vote on stimulus bill delayed
- Germany, Japan
scramble to pass their own rescue legislation - US case total passes 55k, death toll hits 792
- Indian governor defies lockdown
- Switzerland tightens borders
- Putin tells Russians to stay home
- Bank of Spain warns about economic fallout
- Taiwan announces 19 new cases
- WHO expresses concerns about US outbreak
- 3 Navy sailors test positive
- Britain's NHS recruits more than 150k volunteers overnight
- UK shuts Parliament Wednesday night
- Mali becomes 44th African country to confirm COVID-19
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Update (1000ET): The president of an interest group representing French hospitals said the number of individuals who have died due to the outbreak in France is "much higher" than official figures reflect.
"We only know the data provided by hospitals... The increase in the official datais already major, but the absolute numbers would no doubt beeffectively much higher if we aggregated what is happening in retirement homes as well as the people who die at home," Frederic Valletoux, president of the French hospitals federation, said on France Info radio.
Over in Singapore, the city-state situated on the tip of peninsular Malaysia that has been widely celebrated for its efforts to contain the virus early, has just confirmed another 73 cases on Wednesday, its largest daily jump yet. Among other steps, Singapore closed its borders to most foreigners back in January.
Still, most of the cases are imported, as officials blame the decision to lift some restrictions on travelers for the resurgence in new cases. The new figures bring the number of confirmed cases to 631. Among these new cases, 38 are imported. Out of the 35 local cases, 27 are linked to previous cases, while 8 are unrelated, according to Yahoo News Singapore.
Even Iran is worried about a second wave, as the first wave of infections, which Iranians helped spread all around the region, hammered the country.
The Swiss government said Wednesday it would expand its border controls to include all countries in the EU's Schengen open border zone. The move comes after Switzerland last week introduced controls at its borders with Italy, France, Germany, Austria and Spain and all countries not in the Schengen zone.
"Since midnight, the tightened entry requirements have also been applied to flights from all remaining Schengen states with the exception of the Principality of Liechtenstein," the government said in a statement.
As more countries unfurl lockdown orders around the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin has called on all residents to stay home next week, while announcing that a vote on constitutional reforms that had been set to take place on April 22 would be postponed.
While President Trump presses Americans to get back to work by Easter, Putin tells Russians "health, life and safety of the people is an absolute priority for us," as Russian authorities count 658 total confirmed cases of the virus on Wednesday, with 163 of them new cases reported within the last day.
Finally, in the US, House Speaker Pelosi has adjourned the House for the day without voting on the stimulus bill, despite earlier reports that a deal had finally been solidified during the early hours of Wednesday morning.
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The American press and the progressives who make up most of its journalists have so far focused on how the novel coronavirus will inevitably harm the poor and vulnerable. But so far, that's not what we've seen - at least not in the West. Connecticut's Fairfield County and New York's Westchester County, two havens for wealthy businessmen, doctors, lawyers and other rich professionals, have been especially hard hit by the virus, both becoming hot zones in their own right.
Over in the UK, the Royal Palace announced Wednesday morning that Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales and heir to the British throne, has tested positive for the virus.
This is hardly a new trend. Since the start of the crisis, numerous government officials from Iran, to Canada, to the US and over in Europe, have caught the virus, as have famous professional athletes and others who travel. Dozens of politicians and leaders have tested positive (and that's just in Iran).
During the early hours of Wednesday morning, Democrats finally dropped enough of their 'Green New Deal'-type demands to strike a deal on the $2 trillion "largest bailout package in American history". In addition to a $500 billion pool of 'emergency liquidity' for American corporations that will be administered by the Fed and a $367 billion loan program for small businesses, the legislation will include a one-time $1,200 transfer to all Americans making less than $70,000 a year.
Mitch McConnell celebrated the news in an early-morning tweet, and promised that legislation would pass in the early morning.
At last, we have a deal.
After days of intense discussions, the Senate has reached a bipartisan agreement on a historic relief package for this pandemic.
We’re going to pass this legislation later today.
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As President Trump pushes to bring the economy back on-line by Easter, close American ally South Korea, a country lauded for its swift and widespread testing program that managed to test roughly 10,000 a day, agreed to send the US spare medical equipment in response to Trump’s request for 'reagents' - a critical component for COVID-19 tests that was missing or damaged in the first iteration of the CDC's test.
The number of confirmed cases in the US had topped 55k by Wednesday morning, with 55,225 cases exactly as of 7amET, according to Johns Hopkins. The number of deaths climbed to 782.
Yesterday, the WHO warned that the rapid number of confirmations in the US would soon qualify it as the new 'epicenter' of the global outbreak, and on Wednesday, the organization reiterated that warning.
Spanish authorities warned on Wednesday that they expect the crisis to worsen, despite imposing strict measures in line with what Italian officials have adopted. As WSJ explained, one reason why quarantine orders in the west haven't been as effective in suppressing the outbreak is that officials aren't taking enough time to trace the contacts of confirmed cases.
Many foreign governments that initially ruled out lockdowns, saying they wouldn’t work in democracies, are now implementing similar, though less draconian, restrictions, but without corresponding efforts to identify and isolate cases, WSJ said.
Europe's fourth-largest economy has been struggling with the second-worst outbreak on the continent after Italy. The outbreak, which accelerated following an International Women's Day march in Madrid earlier this month, claimed 738 Spanish lives on Tuesday, according to figures released Wednesday morning by Spain's public health officials. That's the largest daily jump in deaths yet, bringing Spain's death toll to 3,434, an increase of 27% over Tuesday's figures.
Spain now has 47,610 cases in total. In mainland China, 3,281 people have died, according to the 'official' numbers. Top Spanish health official Fernando Simon said Wednesday that he expects the number of Covid-19 cases to continue increasing in the coming days.
Meanwhile, the Bank of Spain, the country's central bank and a constituent of the ECB said coronavirus outbreak mitigation measures have caused severe disruptions of the economy since March, and the impact on jobs will most likely be very significant in the near-term.
Once Prince Charles was confirmed positive for COVID-19, attention turned immediately to the Queen: The Monarch "remains in good health", according to palace officials. Charles and his wife Camilla are now isolating in Scotland.
In other UK news, HMG is planning on shuttering Parliament beginning Wednesday night in another effort to slow the spread.
In recent days, speculation about Japan's relatively small number of confirmed COVID-19 cases ranged from Japanese culture being a mild form of 'social distancing' to other quirks of life in modern Japan that have potentially helped to defend its people from viral outbreaks like the novel coronavirus . But on Wednesday, officials in Tokyo confirmed 41 new cases, the biggest daily jump in Japan since the crisis began, Nikkei reports.
In other Japan-related news, officials announced that the Diamond Princess cruise ship is expected to leave Yokohama port on Wednesday after scientists confirmed that samples of the virus had apparently survived on the ship for weeks.
Taiwan's government announces 19 new cases on Wednesday, all imported, bringing the total number of infected people on the island to 235. Thailand health officials report 107 new coronavirus cases, bringing its total to 934.
China's re-opening continued on Wednesday, with officials in Beijing warning local party functionaries around the country not to tamper with the data anymore (enabling Chinese officials to act quickly to stop a resurgence). After announcing yesterday that the Wuhan lockdown would end on April 8, health officials said they now expect to resume domestic passenger flights to and from Wuhan starting on the same date, April 8, when travel restrictions placed on the original epicenter of the viral outbreak are to be lifted.
Another sign of business (almost) as usual! The neighborhood counterfeit DVD shop is now open— with #coronavirus prevention measures. Wonder if the seller would register their own name since they deal in...oh , NVM.#China
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Following the US deal on the coronavirus package, parliaments in Germany and Japan continued to battle over their own fiscal stimulus packages, according to CNN.
Britain’s National Health Service announced that it is waging a "war on coronavirus " and called for a quarter of a million volunteers. Overnight, nearly 200k registered via the NHS's website. Meanwhile, the death toll from coronavirus in the United Kingdom jumped on Tuesday by 87 to a total of 422 on Wednesday - the biggest daily increase since the crisis began.
In the latest news from the Pentagon, three Navy sailors aboard a ship in the Pacific Ocean tested positive for the new coronavirus , officials said Tuesday, becoming the first example of sailors testing positive for the virus while at sea. Per Stars & Stripes, the number of ventilators in the government reserve designated to strengthen overwhelmed hospitals in the event of a national medical crisis is critically low, according to the Center for Public Integrity. That number - 16,600 in the Strategic National Stockpile - is a small supplement to the national health system’s estimated 160,000 ventilators, which are mostly already in use.
India, the world’s second-most populous country, went into lockdown Wednesday, suspending all nonessential services and severely restricting movement to halt the spread of coronavirus cases. But not all officials equally respected the order: hours after the lockdown's start, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh state in north India, Yogi Adityanath, participated in a ceremony at a temple marking the start of a nine-day Hindu festival, highlighting the challenge the nation of 1.3 billion faces in implementing the drastic containment measures.
अयोध्या करती है आह्वान...
भव्य राम मंदिर के निर्माण का पहला चरण आज सम्पन्न हुआ, मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम प्रभु श्री राम त्रिपाल से नए आसन पर विराजमान...
मानस भवन के पास एक अस्थायी ढांचे में 'रामलला' की मूर्ति को स्थानांतरित किया।
भव्य मंदिर के निर्माण हेतु ₹11 लाख का चेक भेंट किया।
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Photos and videos shared by Adityanath on Twitter show him performing rituals surrounded by police and local officials. Later, addressing the gathering, he asked citizens to follow the government lockdown directives, which explicitly ban religious ceremonies, among other things, for 21 days.
As doctors get a better sense of mortality across the world, they found that the mortality rate in Italy is nearly 10%, while fatalities in France were just 4.3%, while in Germany and Austria, the number dead is 0.4%. The number of cases in Germany climbed to 31,554 on Wednesday, compared with 149 deaths.
Finally, in Africa, Mali has reported its first coronavirus cases, becoming the 44th country to record a case in Africa which has seen its spread speed up in recent days. Health experts have warned that Africa is the region least prepared to deal with the pandemic because of widespread equipment shortages and generally weak healthcare infrastructure. The continent now has roughly 2,400 cases and many countries have implemented stringent social distancing restrictions.
And as President Trump continues to push a common malaria drug for treatment of COVID-19, a brief study in France found that the malaria drugs Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine (an analogue of Hydroxychloroquine) had little additional benefit while treating infected patients, BBG reported.
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